Tuesday, July 24, 2012


It is official, I have been replaced. Its a good thing in this circumstance- I will be taking a leave of absence from my job and heading off into a bit of the unknown. well, I know where I am headed for September at least... and today I was told its a done deal. My replacement starts just in time for me to train her, and then jet off. I am so truly surprized at the support I have received in regards to this upcoming change to my life- somewhat unexpected. Friends are one thing, but co-workers are proclaiming excitement for me, (and words that shock me are also inspired and proud) and then I have a twinge of feeling bad that I will leave such awesome people and gallivant around the globe. I am grateful for the support. I know its worth it. I do have to leave my bubble of comfort, but this is what I've been waiting for. I wanted a change of scenery for a while, some adventure, a bit of dream, and the chance to do something... different.

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