Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I couldn't decide if this post should be called wanting to love love or trying to love love. Perhaps a bit of both. 

I am in a place where I have moments equal of repulsion and wistful feelings towards love. I shudder when I see or read someone's social media and talk talk talk about their husband. However, this is currently upstaged by longing for a good old fashioned highschool-esk make out session with a crush. Sigh. 

Somewhere in this, recently I am drawn to hearts. Big, over the top, neon, shout it from the roof top traditional hearts as the epitome of a symbol of love. I have not wanted a single heart anything probably since I was 10. I'm confused by this recent resurgence in my own heart, for hearts. I ask myself: are hearts the new polka dot?

I want to love love. I really do. And as I embrace these images and items I've decided my rational is that if I am surrounded by these tokens, and reminders, and strive towards the love that is what it should be. To me. 

In the meantime I love the retail therapy

And quite possibly the best visual solution ever to my love/hate/love feelings- a bag that allows me to embrace both- same time. I present the double sided heart tote: In red for the traditional optimist, and then reverse for the days that I live with my black, black, black, black heart.

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