Monday, March 31, 2014

oh Norman!

So EB and MF and I decide to have a leisurely Sunday beer at 33 acres- we met on route and walked down to the brewery. As I walked in I accidentally smacked my empty growler on the glass door and it rang out like a bell announcing our arrival. As I embarrassedly cringed and pretty much everyone turned to look, (in hindsight I  think I was going to say something like "well I've arrived!" to compensate until...) I looked up and was face to face with Norman Reedus staring at me. I turned back to my crew and then looked again to make sure I was seeing right. He's locked eyes with me and had on his face that cheeky bad boy smirk that 1,000,000+ followers (including me) know and love. I was so glad I was wearing my red lipstick cause he was definitely worth smiling at! Swoon! He was actually leaving right then- MF didn't even realize... After he was out the door I managed to stammer out- uh yeah. Daryl. Walking Dead. And I love him. I follow him on instagram and twitter. And yes, his name is Norman. 
So I did what any gal would do in this situation: I immediately sent him a message on Instagram asking to come back so I could buy him a beer. 

Norman and I at 33 acres. Same time. No biggie. Best celeb siting ever (except maybe that time I set up Ryan Reynolds Rogers Video rental account and still tried to upsell him the popcorn because I had no idea who he was- this was in the Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Shop era in my defense)

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