Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a boat ride to the island

I was over in Victoria on the weekend- I had not been there in a couple of years so it was a nice little get-away. I went over to see my dear friend Ms.F who I have known since kindergarten (which I think is quite the substantial time frame for a friendship of almost 27 years). she is lovely and sweet and listens patiently to my long winded stories. she is also my shopping lucky charm and we often find ourselves on an accidental shopping spree. we also had nice visits with her boyfriend and family and drank a few beers and had many laughs. thanks for the wonderful time! oh yeah, there are Parliament Buildings, beautiful scenery and lots of tourists but we stuck to LOJO.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

knit, purl, purl, knit, purl, purl, knit

so I have taken up knitting... again. I know it has recently been the "cool" thing to do, but I was knitting long ago to start. I was taught to knit by my mom when I was a kid, probably around age 9. but despite starting early I was only knitting squares, or rectangles, or long rectangles, and not very well. I started again about 5 years ago... my mom got me started on another long rectangle (scarf) for the boyfriend of the time. lets just say it took me so long that in the process we broke up, got back together a year later, and then broke up again and it was still not done.
currently I have a few coworkers who knit so I got all inspired... for my first project I did a hat- perhaps that sounds ambitious, but suddenly it all kind of made sense! (and the fact that I have all sorts of people knitting around me when I got stuck on the second stitch- which I did)
how come I had only heard of 'knit' and never 'purl'?! I demanded of my mother (yes, there is a difference)

I don't know... but it seems to be working. the picture included is not the first hat, but the third. watch out! I've started early on christmas presents. I have also made a pair of matching slippers. yes, matching! a pair! I have broken the bank already on wool and I seem to be a little ADD about it all and can't resist having 3 things on the go at once.