Tuesday, July 14, 2015

loooong weekend

Took some extra days and some extra people and hit up my favorite campsite. Even got the coveted corner spot where the river wraps around us- and as usual we were one of few up there. We fully intended on going up to the lake, but instead parked ourselves at the rivers edge and did not move. For 3 days
When we finally packed up and left and went to the lake it was wonderful and warm enough for this fair weather swimmer. 
Man, camping makes me truly happy. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

not sew good: quilting accident

Who knew? Let this post be a lesson to you all... The perils of quilting. There are some dangerous tools involved in making quilts: sharp needles and pins, scissors and apparently the most hazardous of all, the rotary knife. You put life and limb at risk every time a baby needs a quilt. 

Sewing took a turn a couple weeks back for me. I was working on a baby quilt at my kitchen table, cutting fabric into strips when I dropped my rotary knife on my foot. So. Much. Blood. 

I manged to get a few band aids on and hobbled over to VGH emergency. 4 nurses later, 3 hours later, 2 stitches later, I got home. And sewed that last strip. Considering it was only my second trip to a hospital for me in 38 years that's not too bad, but I still never want a repeat of it. Wear shoes when quilting people!