Sunday, December 21, 2014


We have a childhood friend who now lives in Hawaii. I contacted him before we went and coordinated a surprize visit from him, for an early birthday present for my brother and a catch up- It's been too many years since street hockey and snow forts...

Since the surprize was had (and it went so good) we decided to make a day trip up to the north side of the island: reason being there was this huge surf competition on, the Billabong Pipemasters. 

The day we finally went, the competition was actually called OFF because the waves were too big!

But it was beautiful- stormy and wet and those waves were dramatic. We still stopped at 3 or 4 beaches along the coast. Warning signs everywhere not allowing swimming. There were still surfers out there but it was intense. 

(People taking risky selfies)

It was a great day out. Thanks GK for taking us to the 'country' for a beach day

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