Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hermitage Amsterdam

This morning, Tuesday Weesp market. Went for a quick walk around.

Then, afternoon, made my way into Amsterdam and stopped and had a snack- then tested my tram skilled again. I made my way to the Hermitage Amsterdam where they had an exhibit of the history of Impressionism from early days on to public acceptance in Paris. I am really trying to take the time to read as much as I can in the exhibits- and I can say, I'm learning a lot!

Starting next week the space will also house the Van Gogh top 75 pieces as their gallery is closing for renovations.

After I walked through another part of the city to my November apartment and was able to do a little viewing of the place: even nicer than the pictures! I can't wait to move in! After Miss R met me for a drink at a lovely place which is sure to become my new local.

1 comment:

Miss Biliana said...

That's it! E and I must come and visit you! How I wish I could be having a drink with you and R in you new local!